6 Autobots

Grimlock ♥ Ultra Magnus

I'm a well read grad student who's bluntly honest about all things, although I try to be most honest about myself.   

Currently reading

Separate Orbits
Yael Mermelstein
Progress: 119/427pages
BATMAN #53 ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
LeeWeeksBatman53, TomKingBatman53
BATMAN #54 ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
MattWagnerBatman54, TomKingBatman54
BATMAN #52 ((DC REBIRTH)) ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
LeeWeeksBatman52, TomKingBatman52
BATMAN #51 ((DC REBIRTH)) ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
LeeWeeksBatman51, TomKingBatman51
Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer (2018) #1 (of 2)
Al Ewing, Humberto Ramos
Champions (2019-) #4
Jim Zub, Jacinto Benavente
SUICIDE SQUAD #46 ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
JosLuisSS46, RobWilliamsSS46
SUICIDE SQUAD #45 ((SINK ATLANTIS)) ((DC REBIRTH )) ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
JosLuisSuicideSquad45, RobWilliamsSuicideSquad45
Champions (2019-) #3
Jim Zub, Jacinto Benavente

Reading progress update: I've read 60 out of 336 pages.

My Best Friend's Exorcism: A Novel - Grady Hendrix

This is by no means bad.   I just expected it to be funnier, and I'm not as impressed as I would be if I hadn't read Horrorstor first: that was simply better.   Funnier, written in a more appealing style to me, and so this feels like a case of sophomore slump.   


And yet, it's not bad at all, and I'm intrigued by Abby and Gretchen's friendship. 


I'm also nervous about reading for school: I want like 75% + done before I start.   I'm also absolutely fascinated by articles I've been reading so far: about how archives can be tainted by planted forgeries, about Iraqi archival material, about indigenous peoples from Canada and how their archives are handled. 


Maybe it's sad, but I'm more into those than anything right now. 


Meanwhile, I need to really get more of my main Python book read, and maybe some of special libraries, which I have access to online.  But I do better reading in paper, and I like taking notes in the book, and my used copy should be coming in tomorrow - Monday latest.   I have enough to read until that comes, and probably won't get started on that for a couple days anyway!


I haven't been reviewing because articles.