I'm a well read grad student who's bluntly honest about all things, although I try to be most honest about myself.
From last year. I'm catching up on the Aspen ones since I've gotten into the company recently and trying to clear out some old Comixology titles I own.
This was fun: a quick peek at Fathom, Soulfire, and the first Aspen crossover event, called Revelations. There were some designs, mostly sketches although one or two cover pieces. There were also biographies of the main players, and I appreciated those.
Then there were the inevitable ads. I didn't mind these as much, because they were one page ads, a shot of the comic, and some descriptions. It left more pages to preview the main event. But this didn't feel like a great introduction to Revelations. Or not the perfect one. The way it ends, well, it felt a bit too abrupt. It does make me excited about the comic which came in the Humble Bundle: I have Revelations Volume 1.
So it was mostly successful. The crossover looks tense and plausible, and I was wondering how they would accomplish that given how different the series are in this case. Onto the next comic, and then I'm trying to get more sun, but my poor arms are about to get toasted again. I may stay inside until I go out: I've decided I want a burger for dinner, but I'm going to take it home so I can watch TV. A burger, fries - inexpensive burger but you order fries on the side - and a milkshake for while I'm walking home, maybe.