6 Autobots

Grimlock ♥ Ultra Magnus

I'm a well read grad student who's bluntly honest about all things, although I try to be most honest about myself.   

Currently reading

Separate Orbits
Yael Mermelstein
Progress: 119/427pages
BATMAN #53 ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
LeeWeeksBatman53, TomKingBatman53
BATMAN #54 ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
MattWagnerBatman54, TomKingBatman54
BATMAN #52 ((DC REBIRTH)) ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
LeeWeeksBatman52, TomKingBatman52
BATMAN #51 ((DC REBIRTH)) ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
LeeWeeksBatman51, TomKingBatman51
Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer (2018) #1 (of 2)
Al Ewing, Humberto Ramos
Champions (2019-) #4
Jim Zub, Jacinto Benavente
SUICIDE SQUAD #46 ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
JosLuisSS46, RobWilliamsSS46
SUICIDE SQUAD #45 ((SINK ATLANTIS)) ((DC REBIRTH )) ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
JosLuisSuicideSquad45, RobWilliamsSuicideSquad45
Champions (2019-) #3
Jim Zub, Jacinto Benavente

Goofy fun

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters - Erik Burnham, Dan Schoening, Tom Waltz

I thought this would be goofy, and just okay.   The art was highly stylized, to be goofy in a fun, animated type style, so that probably helped that assumption right along.   This was true to both franchises, but played with a situation where teleportation led to travel through dimensions.   


It's a fun concept, and not an original one.   One of my favorite Star Trek episodes is Mirror, Mirror which deals with this issue.  One of my favorite Transformers issues is my Timeline: Shattered Glass issue, partly because I bought two before I realized how rare they were and feel lucky to have gotten one much less two.   And partly because I love how extreme the world is, how brutal the Autobots are, and how good the Decepticons are.   


This was clearly just a mishap to have these two groups meet, and the author is well aware that it's just a plot device.   He wisely ignores too much about this, and while the science geeks geek out over how the turtles crossed over into another dimension, how to get back, and then focus on that, the others don't.   It's all in character, and the others simply fret about the evil god, Chi-You, that the Turtles have brought with them - and how to stop it using Ghostbuster methods, and means.    (Casey, their friend, has been possessed by Chi-You, which means that they're even less likely to stay.)


The non-science geek turtles don't ant to stay around, even though they know they have to leave - even though they know the way back is degrading.   The science geeks will take care of it - or they won't - and what use is them staying around when people are in danger?   It's their responsibility, and even if it hadn't been, they can't sit around when someone might get hurt.   


Mostly these two groups just riff on each other - and it is goofy.   And adorable.   And harmless fun.   And Janine and April O'Neill?   Get along more than I'd expect them to, and that?   That is also adorable.  Just what I needed yesterday night and this morning.  I actually need something like this again to cheer me up some more.