I'm a well read grad student who's bluntly honest about all things, although I try to be most honest about myself.
I'm calling it and using this for my amnesia square. While it's only implied that they did something to Coulson and made him forget at the end, yup, that's the only way I'm seeing this happen right now.
I'm interested enough to keep on going in this series, though. I'm rather enjoying the twists and turns, and the focus on the series and integrating it into the Marvel Universe. It actually works quite well, to be honest, although I wasn't sure how it would pan out in the beginning.
There's banter that's reminiscent of the show, although it plays out more like it's in the comic book world and, in my opinion, brings together the best of these two worlds. Simmons, Fitz, May, they all fit in quite nicely although I didn't buy Fitz getting May to say yes to a date. (Still, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt: either Fitz, May, or perhaps both, may be compromised, since apparently Coulson already is...)
Fun ride, and a good introduction to the comics for someone who's only into MCU to boot!