I'm a well read grad student who's bluntly honest about all things, although I try to be most honest about myself.
And yet there's so much more to cover: how Storm's going to get all the mutants together, how everyone is going to help Nightcrawler, and what's Sinister up to if he's given up on mutants. (I expect this will be left alone for a while. That last one? That seems like something that will come back later, when I've forgotten about it and when it's a complete shock to me. Sometimes storylines are dropped intentionally, because they're planted there and ended there for use further down the road. I'm used to this by now and I'm even okay with it; I like it, in fact, because there's more of a surprise and this can be more effective when it's sprung on me down the line.)
This is about the X-Men making a statement. Storm literally addresses the world and tells her they don't want to hurt anyone, and they won't - so long as people don't try to hunt them down. They offer X-Haven as a home to any mutants, as well as their families, if they ask for sanctuary.
It's a lot of fun, and it feels big and important. It feels like it's building a lot of character in here, as well as addressing some important issues within the Marvel world as it is now. And that's different than it was even a couple years ago. Very, very different, particularly for mutants. I'm glad to see Storm finally address this head on, and I'm glad to see this series moving on so nicely.