I'm a well read grad student who's bluntly honest about all things, although I try to be most honest about myself.
The ideas in this were great, and I blew threw this graphic novel. I was insatiable, which was kind of funny because so were all the zombified versions of the heroes. This time, they're coming from their dimension into ours, since it's not enough to infect a whole world when they can infect more. They get literally fanatic about it, calling it The Hunger Gospel. And, by C'hthclu, they will infect everyone possible!
But it went beyond going into the main Marvel universe, or the surprise plants there. They did some wonderful things with zombies that I wouldn't have thought of, and that I was delighted to read about:
The Kingpin has Wanda keep Vision partially dismantled. He loves her, and so he is willing to do anything for her - including jamming signals, which is how he's used in this graphic novel.
I have to admit I laughed out loud. I know 'I have a headache,' is used as an excuse not to fuck, but I've never seen it as an excuse not to kiss anyone. I was hoping for more than one panel, but alas, this one panel is all I got. I wasn't too disappointed when I had moments like this:
I was like 'oh, neat, zombie Marvel characters.' I didn't stop to lovingly pore over every possibility like this author clearly did. Having Black Bolt speak it really neat, and a good reason to include The Inhumans in my opinion.
Also, the main universe's ARMOR has people from other universes as well, like this:
And, yeah, he speaks in Aztec.
And then this came along:
Yeesh. Vambie. Vambie is so stupid and makes me so mad, I'm knocking down a star. Ugh.
But then this, which made me way happy:
So, who wants Machine Man and Jocasta to have robot babies? This girl!