I'm a well read grad student who's bluntly honest about all things, although I try to be most honest about myself.
It was actually a dude who turns into a dinosaur, but I got it on sale. And it's all in the middle of a story and suddenly there are brothers and new teammates and stuff I have no idea about so why did I do this?
Because dinosaur.
It was a good story, although a little more serious than I'm used to from this series. It also felt very comfortable this way, so I can only assume there was a slow shift somewhere. Or maybe it just got more serious for a while and that's okay, too.
I just really liked this because it was light - and I was hoping for something light after The Maxx. It didn't quite hit that sweet spot for me - although, y'know, I'm eyeing The Invisibles and Hellblazer, so where exactly did the light go? - and I'm really confused about some things.
It was, however, on sale. And I liked it well enough, just not enough for it to be a five star favorite. This was a little too convoluted, real life serious and that's not what was so charming about the beginning: yes, it was real life. In that superheroes had jobs. It didn't go into great detail about cheating and the angst that causes. It was light and goofy fun. I'm not sure this series is that anymore, but I also like that it's evolved. I'd probably like it a lot better if I filled in the in between type knowledge, though.