I'm a well read grad student who's bluntly honest about all things, although I try to be most honest about myself.
Yesterday, while I was reading Batman: Death in the Family, Troy and I were joking about why I was ahead of Jason Todd in the Game of Life.
I got the airplane booze. I also didn't have a mob voting for me to die, Troy argued. Hmmm, debatable, given how much some self-published authors hate me for pointing out that spelling and grammar are kinda essential to, y'know, book writing.
I got some lovely sexual harassment and a new nickname out of that one. They just might vote for me to die!
Then today, driving down a highway, I watched a man come onto the road, almost crashing into a car because he wasn't looking. He decided he wanted to go into the fast lane, right as I was passing him. No turn signal, no look over his shoulder, he started to turn into my lane, right where my car was. I honked loud and long, and he swerved right back into his lane. Seeing as I was going the speed limit of 50 and he was doing at least that and trying to move faster, yeah, I'm convinced that could have been a KO. Also, still a little shaky. I had to pick up a book at the B&N where I work, and so I did, but I'm lounging and taking it slow because I'm still a bit shaken up.
Also, for those who aren't aware, in the Death of the Family storyline, the fans were allowed to vote on if Jason Todd, aka new Robin, would live or die.
And now? I think now would be the perfect time to have the me version of the Jason Todd poll where you decide if I should have survived or not. There's no way in hell I'm starting that up anywhere, but I think it would be pretty hilarious if someone did. Because I'm twisted that way.