I'm a well read grad student who's bluntly honest about all things, although I try to be most honest about myself.
If you read one Wolverine scribe, for the love of Primus, read Jason Aaron.
He's the best I've come across, and while I haven't read them all, I've read a great deal. He's critically acclaimed, the fans love him, and so do I. He's funny, touching, and always brings plenty of action that fits just so around the character development.
This is one of his better story lines, too. Wolverine is taken over by demons, and it's up to the X-Men to get him back. Which means going inside his mind, where he keeps everything tucked in tight behind doors marked 'Reasons To Hate Myself,' or 'Sexual Fantasies.' Where signs lead you to things untold, and a beer garden. Where friends who are long gone live on in his subconscious.
And the reactions to this? Emma knows she'll regret looking into the Sexual Fantasies door, but she doesn't realize how much until she opens it. Perfection.
How better to know more about Wolverine than to go directly into his head, and see his deepest fears and hopes and dreams? To see what he'll do as a last restart, and what he'll do once this all is over?
No better way, really.
My one issue is with 5.1, which is a birthday bash for Logan. A surprise one that he totally won't smell from a mile off, and that Deadpool crashes - because why not? It's also a low point as far as the art goes - I did not like the art in this issue at all - and it kind of meanders without going anywhere or telling us too much about the characters. Add to this that Melita is one of my least favorite of Wolverine's girlfriends (I don't know why, she just never really struck me as anything special as far as a character goes) and this really didn't add up as a hit for me. It was still funny, it was still good relative to other comics - it was Jason Aaron after all - but it was meh for me.
The 5.1 issue is after the main story arc, so it's easily avoidable, if you choose to avoid it. It's also good enough that I couldn't knock off more than one half of a star, and I wouldn't necessarily suggest avoiding it: it's a quick read, and as I said, Jason Aaron does what he can with the concept. I just didn't like the concept - sadness, because I think Aaron came up with it himself - and I wasn't crazy about the execution. Seeing as I think that 99% of his work with Wolverine is perfect, though, I'm certainly not going to hold one misstep against him!