6 Autobots

Grimlock ♥ Ultra Magnus

I'm a well read grad student who's bluntly honest about all things, although I try to be most honest about myself.   

Currently reading

Separate Orbits
Yael Mermelstein
Progress: 119/427pages
BATMAN #53 ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
LeeWeeksBatman53, TomKingBatman53
BATMAN #54 ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
MattWagnerBatman54, TomKingBatman54
BATMAN #52 ((DC REBIRTH)) ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
LeeWeeksBatman52, TomKingBatman52
BATMAN #51 ((DC REBIRTH)) ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
LeeWeeksBatman51, TomKingBatman51
Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer (2018) #1 (of 2)
Al Ewing, Humberto Ramos
Champions (2019-) #4
Jim Zub, Jacinto Benavente
SUICIDE SQUAD #46 ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
JosLuisSS46, RobWilliamsSS46
SUICIDE SQUAD #45 ((SINK ATLANTIS)) ((DC REBIRTH )) ((Regular Cover)) - DC Comics - 2018 - 1st Printing
JosLuisSuicideSquad45, RobWilliamsSuicideSquad45
Champions (2019-) #3
Jim Zub, Jacinto Benavente

Cute fun!

Buzz! - Ananth Panagariya, Tessa Stone

What if spelling bees were super serious?   As in they had a Spelluminati that tracked the players and fixed the games.   So serious there were underground spelling bees where contestants spelled until they passed out, or even died.   Well, that's the world that Webster and his sister Merriam live in.   They're alone, and both in school, and she is older and takes care of him.   She forbids him to take part in spelling bees because it's what ruined their lives and the reason that their parents are gone. 


So when Webster gets tricked into an underground match, and then the regionals, well, he's not exactly comfortable with Merriam finding out.   However, he's becoming friends with the Outlaw King, and the Black Queen, the former who has been banned from official bees and the latter who has just joined the Spelluminati. 


There's more to this than just a boy trying to figure out his place in the world, however.   It joyfully plays with words and sounds and meanings, and uses words as a physical presence in this novel.   It's delicious for a lover of words to read this. 


There is also Tessa Stone, the illustrator who thanks her sister Sarah - and who may be Sarah Stone who illustrated Windblade.   *fans self*  I was excited from the beginning when I saw this at the beginning!   Add to this the fact that playing on the word Bee, it's black, white, and yellow colored - and I absolute love this!


Highly suggested.  This is also low on violence, has no swearing, and is adorable.   There's some slight kissing, but no nudity.   So kid-friendly.   I don't normally care whether or not it's kid friendly, but I know some of my flist reads graphic novels with their kids, so I thought I'd mention it.  I probably wouldn't have read this if not for the Humble Bundle, but I did end up buying the most recent bundle.